As it happens, flies don't just look disgusting, but actually are pretty disgusting creatures with a number of bad habits. one of these bad habits is simply loving other really disgusting stuff.
That is to say that flies are attracting to things like corpses, faeces, rubbish and stagnant water.
And when a fly lands on your food, there's a good chance that it has just come from landing on some poop. As you might imagine, this means that their hairs can actually still carry traces of faeces and bacteria from those sources and it means that they can end up on your food. not good!
Some African countries don't take sanitation seriously it may be government official didn't talk to them how important this is, to avoid flies flying around our household we need to keep our environment clean.
A recent survey asked participants: "if you were at a restaurant, which critter would make you drop your fork:
Rodents, cockroaches, flies, ants, or snakes?" 61% chose cockroaches. But scientists warn that flies are actually two times more likely to spread germs specifically those ubiquitous, hard to swat houseflies. so what's the science behind this? Well, flies eat some of the grossest things imaginable: Poop, garbage, rotting animal carcasses.
Another fact about flies is that they cannot chew, so in order to eat, they spit-up enzymes onto their food, which dissolves it and lets them slurp it up. Even though it's probably the grossest thing imaginable, it's actually the bacteria and viruses that get stuck to their body that spreads disease and makes people sick, not their enzymatic spit-up.
They only need to touch your food for a second for their legs or the tiny hairs all over their bodies to transfer germs from all those nasty things they eat onto what you're eating.
Flies carry diseases like cholera, dysentery, and typhoid, it's probably best if you avoiding eating things that a fly lands on. Are you the type of person who throws out your food, if a fly lands on it. Have you become one after reading this article. Hmmm.....
Extra Tip
Climatic change can cause frequent flooding, so do not dump refuse into drains, to avoid blockage. Additionally, help conserve water in your household.
Climatic change can cause frequent flooding, so do not dump refuse into drains, to avoid blockage. Additionally, help conserve water in your household.
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